Soul Care Retreats

What are Soul Care Retreats?

Soul care retreats offer a space for either you or your team to take a break from busy lives, pause, listen, and receive from the Holy Spirit.

During a soul care retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with a spiritual director and engage in a variety of spiritual disciplines designed to help you untwist from the false self, detach from unhealthy attachments, and lean into the unforced rhythms of grace.

How Do I know If a Soul Care Retreat Is Right For Me?

You and/or your team have been pushing hard. You feel the pressure to produce. And as a result, your soul has paid the price. The idea of rest seems impossible, but in reality, not resting is detrimental. Deep in your soul, you know you need to rest in God’s love.

Kosuke Koyama (one of the most influential Asian theologians of his generation) said, “Love has its speed. It is a spiritual speed. It is a different kind of speed from the technological speed to which we are accustomed. It goes in the depth of our life, whether we notice or not, at three miles an hour. It is the speed we walk and therefore the speed the love of God walks.”

Three miles an hour.

A soul care retreat for yourself or for your team is designed for the speed of walking in order to rest in God’s love.

If you need a day (or even an afternoon) away – for you or your team – let us design a soul care retreat to deepen your rest in God, to improve your ability to hear His voice, and find the courage to respond in boldness.

By taking the time to focus on your soul’s needs, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose. Soul care retreats provide a space for you to slow down, recharge, and return to your daily life with a renewed sense of purpose and passion.

Ready For a Soul Care Retreat For You or Your Team?

Fill out the interest form below. We will prayerfully consider each request and respond in about a week about our availability to serve you.